Perkedel Kentang
04.56 | Author: Igrir
Actually Perkedel is a complement for Soto, but it’s really tasty to eat stand alone. There’s many kind of perkedel, and now we will create Perkedel Kentang (Potato Perkedel)

3 pcs Garlic, sliced, crispy fried.
3 pcs Onion, sliced, crispy fried.
4 Potato, Fried, pounded.
1 Egg. Separate the egg-yolk part with the transparent part.
40 gr of wheat flour
Oil for frying


1. Pound garlic, onion, salt and pepper, then put it into the potato. Beat it well.
2. Cut the celery into small part, and then put it into the wheat flour and egg-yolk. Put all of the ingredients in step number 1. Beat them well.
3. Shape the dough like a small ball, it’s about 2-2.5 inch in diameter, and then press the two sides.
4. Heat the oil. Before the dough being fried, dip it into the transparent part of the egg, and then fry it.
5. The good fried perkedel when its turn into golden color, crispy outside, but still wet inside.

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